The Suburban Chronicles Continues…

As I sit down to write this, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and excitement. The past year has been a whirlwind of creativity and hard work, as I completed the fifth book of The Suburban Chronicles.

Writing has always been a passion of mine, and to see my characters and stories come to life on the page is a feeling like no other. I am so grateful for the support and encouragement of my readers, who have helped make this journey possible.

As I begin work on the sixth book in the series, I am filled with anticipation and ideas. I can’t wait to see where this story will take me and my characters, and to share it with all of you.

And a special thanks to PEAR Stories for helping to publish these books.

The Final Passionate Night – 72% Discount!

I wanted to let my readers know that starting tomorrow, January 20, 2023, in the U.S. market, that a Kindle Unlimted deal will be kicking off. One of the deals will be for The Final Passionate Night, Book Six in the Tales from Africa series.

That means the following discounts will apply for the week:

  • Starting January 20 – 99 cents! 72% DISCOUNT
  • Starting January 22 – $1.99
  • Starting January 25 – $2.99

As you can see, it starts cheap and then goes up from there so get in early!

MLK Jr. Day

As an African American writer, Martin Luther King Jr. Day holds a special significance for me. It is a day that honors the legacy of a man who dedicated his life to the pursuit of justice and equality, and who inspired millions of people around the world with his message of hope and nonviolence.

On this MLK Day, I want to take a moment to remember and honor the work and sacrifice of Dr. King. His vision of a world where people are judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character has inspired generations of people to work towards a more just and equal society.

So as we celebrate MLK Day, let us also be inspired by his vision and his message. May we all strive to build a world where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, and may we work towards a future that is brighter and more inclusive for all.

Riding the Giant Tribesman – 72% Discount!

I wrote about how I chose Amazon Kindle Unlimited to be exclusive to Amazon for my recent stories. One of the other reasons why I like it, is that I can create great Countdown Deals to lower the price of the book for a week!

I wanted to let my readers know that starting tomorrow, January 15, 2023, in the U.S. market, that a Kindle Unlimted deal will be kicking off. One of the deals will be for Riding the Giant Tribesman, Book Two in the Tales from Africa series.

That means the following discounts will apply for the week:

  • Starting January 15 – 99 cents! 72% DISCOUNT
  • Starting January 17 – $1.99
  • Starting January 19 – $2.99

As you can see, it starts cheap and then goes up from there so get in early!

A Tough Decision – Kindle Unlimited

As a writer, one of the most exciting moments is when your work is finally published and available for others to read. And in today’s digital age, there are countless options for publishing and distributing your work.

For my latest series, The Suburban Chronicles, I made the decision to publish exclusively with Amazon through their Kindle Unlimited program. While there were certainly other options on the table, I ultimately chose Amazon for a few reasons.

First and foremost, the ease of publishing through Amazon was a major factor. From uploading my manuscript to setting up my author page, the process was straightforward and user-friendly.

But perhaps the biggest reason I chose Kindle Unlimited was the potential for expanding my audience. With millions of Prime members around the world, publishing with Amazon gives me the opportunity to reach a wide and diverse group of readers.

As a writer, connecting with readers is one of the most rewarding parts of the job. And with Kindle Unlimited, I have the opportunity to do just that on a global scale.

So if you’re a writer considering publishing options, I highly recommend giving Kindle Unlimited a closer look. The ease of publishing and potential for expanding your audience make it a great choice for any writer.

An Apology

Hello readers! It’s been a while since I last posted on my blog, and I wanted to take a moment to explain why.

As many of you may know, I am also a writer and have been working on a new series of books for some time now. Between the actual writing, editing, and all the other tasks that come with publishing a book, it’s safe to say that my plate has been pretty full.

But the truth is, it’s not just my book that has been keeping me busy. Like so many others, the past year has been a challenging one due to the ongoing pandemic. From the stress and exhaustion of living through a global crisis to the added demands on my time and energy, it’s been difficult to find the time and mental space to blog.

So I just wanted to let you all know that I am still here and still writing, just in a different capacity at the moment. I hope to be back to a more regular posting schedule soon, and in the meantime, I thank you for your patience and understanding.

Stay safe and healthy, everyone. Here’s to a brighter future ahead.

NFL Playoffs!

As a writer and football fan, I am always excited when the NFL playoffs roll around. This annual event, which pits the best teams in the league against each other in a showdown for the championship, is always a highlight of the year.

With the playoffs just around the corner, I can’t help but get excited about all the action and drama that lies ahead. What a crazy couple of games it’s been. Like most, I’ve been laughing about the performance of good old Russell Wilson. I can’t believe how badly that trade has worked out for the Broncos. I was sad to see the Saints and Panthers go.

And honestly, I’m tired of seeing Tom Brady, dude seriously needs to go. We get it, you’re the GOAT, now just sail off, let others touch the sun. Can’t believe the Bucs made it.

So, who am I rooting for? The Ravens. There was a time where I briefly grew up in the mean streets of Baltimore and while I hated the negative influences that almost took over my life (and my family’s), I still have a soft spot for it. Plus, they are ironically the ones that took my team, the Falcons, out of Playoff contention.

So here’s to the playoffs, and all the exciting football that they bring. May we all enjoy the action and root for our favorite teams as they battle it out for the championship.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

As we turn the page on another year, I can’t help but feel a sense of hope and excitement for what the future holds. While the past year has certainly had its challenges, I am grateful for the lessons and growth it has brought.

As an African American writer, I am especially hopeful for the progress we will see in the coming year.

I am also looking forward to writing many new stories in the coming year that can excite my audiences and bring joy to those who just feel like taking a break from it all.

So here’s to a new year full of possibility and promise.


Still writing away, but taking some time to visit friends and family, wearing a mask of course. I’m constantly troubled by some looks I get though, as if wearing my mask is somehow going to hurt someone. Or maybe it’s the color of my skin. Hard to tell in today’s crazy world.

In other news, and to get my mind off the more serious topic of the world, never got around to buying that Gorilla Bow. Been reading up on it and can’t say that the REAL reviews were that impressive. Instead, I bought some resistance bands from WODFitness. I was a bit hesitant at first but damn, I might not need to visit the gym even after this virus madness. Really felt a good workout.

Got me in the right mood to go back to editing and writing.

Independence Day

I can’t believe it’s already July 4th, the day America claimed its freedom from the British. No taxation without representation… Representation… This year has shown that ‘representation’ is missing, and I don’t mean people with the color of my skin but also people like me who grew up with nothing. The richest man in the world is worth billions while there are people who live in the streets in the very city he resides in.

I hope this year is the turning point. That everyone is truly represented and that we, as Americans, show the world why we are a super power. I really hope and I hope we rise and we get away from this hatred that is taking over our Great Country.

Happy Independence Day.